Swan Lake Hydroelectric Project
The Swan Lake Hydroelectric Project (Project) is located on Falls Creek, on Revillagigedo Island, at the head of Carroll Inlet, about 22 miles northeast of the city of Ketchikan, Alaska. The Project occupies federal lands within Tongass National Forest.
The Project provides power to Ketchikan Public Utilities for usage throughout the Ketchikan Gateway Borough, Wrangell, and Petersburg. The Swan Lake Project contributes approximately 75,700 MWh of electricity to the region.
The Project consists of a 174-foot-high, 480-foot-long concrete arch dam, which creates the storage reservoir, Swan Lake. The reservoir is managed between normal pool elevation 345 feet mean sea level (msl) and minimum operating pool elevation 271.5 feet msl.
Water passes through a concrete power tower located on the right abutment upstream of the dam and passes through a power tunnel to the powerhouse. The tunnel feeds a powerhouse fitted with two Francis-type vertical shaft generating turbine units. The powerhouse is a reinforced concrete structure located immediately north of the mouth of Falls Creek on Carroll Inlet; it is 64-feet wide by 104-feet long by 100-feet high.
Power is transmitted from the powerhouse along transmission lines to Ketchikan, Wrangell, and Petersburg, Alaska.